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The Malaysian Reserve - MCO2.0: TGCR Provides 6500 Meals Daily

MCO2.0: TGCR Provides 6500 Meals Daily

The group also united its 50 divisions to raise funds and purchased dry canned food, sanitary products, essential supplies, and other necessities for these underprivileged homes.

"This MCO 2.0 will have more a dire effect on everyone, especially the underprivileged community, so it is important to unite and support them. As a community builder, it is our mission to redefine the art of living and caring.

Therefore, during the MCO 2.0, our Tropicana Foundation committee members worked closely with our TGCR chefs to plan, prepare and pack lunch and dinner every day' Tropicana's group MD Dion Tan said in a statement yesterday.

Meanwhile, at Tropicana's headquarters, an internal fund-raising drive was initiated to raise donations from employees who were willing to contribute across 50 divisions.

Cash donations were collected to purchase food and supplies for the 28 charity homes. Staff members were also encouraged to donate dry foods in a charity food drive where canned goods, rice, and other types of dry goods were collected for distribution to the chanties. This charity drive was organized by the Tropicana Foundation.

The group's recently reactivated its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative that overviews all the group's charitable internal and external CSR initiatives.

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