
Planet | Tropicana Corporation Berhad

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Climate Change

As a property developer, we understand that our actions and developments impact the environment and climate. We recognise that climate change will affect how we design our developments and operate. This presents both challenges and opportunities as we transition into a low-carbon company. Supporting Malaysia’s ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050, we are taking steps to reduce our carbon emissions by producing energy-efficient and green-certified buildings and developing sustainable townships with energy and water-efficient fittings and elements, including solar panels. We are also evaluating climate change risks and opportunities to future-proof our developments and investments. Our climate disclosure aligns with the Bursa Exchange recommended framework based on Taskforce of Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (“TCFD”) Recommendations. We are assessing the Group’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and implementing climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, which will be reported in the next financial year

Environmental Compliance & Certifications

Tropicana recognises the significance of stringent environmental and development laws to regulate industrial pollution and protect Malaysia’s privileged status as one of the world’s 17 megadiverse countries and our citizens’ quality of life. The Group complies fully with local and national environmental regulations, with zero fines and non-monetary sanctions for the year under review.

National & Local Regulations:
  • Environmental Quality Act 1974
  • Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966
  • Land Development Act 1956
  • National Landscape Policy
  • Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia Act 2012
  • Environmental Impact Assessment for prescribed activities
  • Town and Country Planning Act 1976
  • Strata Management Act 2013
  • Manual Guideline and Selangor State Planning Standards
  • Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007
  • Factories and Machinery Act 1967

To minimise our environmental impact, we are committed to delivering sustainable developments through certified green buildings. Currently, more than 11 of our developments are certified by the Green Building Index (“GBI”) and GreenRE. GBI, designed for Malaysia’s tropical climate and socioeconomic context, is developed by the Malaysian Institute of Architects and the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia and complies with the World Green Building Council standards. GreenRE, an alternative driven by the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (“REHDA”), also requires developers to implement measures for water and energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, carbon emission reduction, and optimal use of construction materials. Below is a list of Tropicana projects that have obtained GBI or GreenRE certification.

No. Project Project Type Certification Status
1 Tropicana Gardens (Arnica) High-Rise, Residential GBI Gold
2 Tropicana Gardens (Bayberry) High-Rise, Residential GBI Gold
3 Tropicana Gardens (Cyperus) High-Rise, Residential GBI Gold
4 Tropicana Gardens (Dianthus) High-Rise, Residential GBI Silver (Provisional)
5 Tropicana Gardens Office Tower Commercial, Non-Residential GBI Silver
6 Tropicana Gardens Mall Commercial, Non-Residential GBI Silver
7 Tropicana Gardens (Edelweiss) High-Rise, Residential GreenRE Silver (Provisional)
8 Tropicana Metropark (Shoppes) Commercial, Non-Residential GreenRE Bronze (Provisional)
9 Tropicana Metropark (South Residences) High-Rise, Residential GreenRE Bronze (Provisional)
10 Tropicana Miyu High-Rise, Residential GreenRE Bronze
11 Tropicana Cenang High-Rise, Residential GreenRE Bronze
No. Previous Development Project Type Certification Status
12 Tropicana Golf and Country Resort Bhd Residential GreenRE Gold
13 W Kuala Lumpur Hotel Non-Residential GreenRE Gold
14 Tropicana Garden 2 Residential GreenRE Silver
15 The Residences Residential GreenRE Gold
16 Tropicana International School Non-Residential GreenRE Silver
17 Tropicana Avenue Residential GreenRE Gold

Energy Management

We are committed to adopting energy-efficient measures to reduce the Group’s carbon emissions across our operations and value chain. Tropicana Gardens Office Tower, our headquarters located within the Tropicana Gardens mixed development in Kota Damansara, is designed to meet GBI Silver requirements, incorporating energy-efficient features that help reduce energy consumption. We also subscribed to an Energy Management System (“EMS”) to monitor any surge in energy usage due to breakdown

Energy-Efficient Building Features

Electricity is required to power buildings once a development is completed and occupied. Tropicana is unable to control energy usage at residential properties handed over to owners. However, the Group does monitor and manage the electricity consumption of commercial buildings and public facilities in our townships.


  • All our premises and offices are equipped with energy-efficient LED lighting that consumes 70% less energy
  • Installation of photocell and motion sensors for lighting
  • Digital devices i.e. printers auto-set to sleep mode if no usage and after 8 p.m.
  • Fixed timing and temperature for centralised air conditioning for every floor. Our ambient temperature is set at 24degC (±1 degree Celcius) as the recommended temperature for energy efficiency
  • Mobilising our Auxiliary Police after working hours to ensure lights are off
  • Encourage our employees to switch off the lights on their respective floors during lunchtime
  • Our receptionist will turn off the light and split air-cond after the staff leave the meeting room at our designated meeting room floor

  • In encouraging low energy usage to our customers, and to help reduce our emissions impact, Tropicana applies innovative building designs that offer natural ventilation and lighting to reduce electricity consumption and wastage. At Tropicana Cenang, we designed the development based on the approach of the Thermal Performance of Building Envelop (“RETV”) to enhance the thermal building performance. Below are examples of energy-efficient features installed in our developments.

    To reduce our dependency on electricity consumption and create a comfortable and environmentally neutral spatial experience, we employed a selected climate control design strategy in the Tropicana Gardens development:
    1. Creating a cool microclimate to discourage heat build-up by planting trees and vegetation, both on the roof and on ground level;
    creating water features inside the 'canyon walk', and having 'cool air dumping' from tenants' air conditioning
    2. Promoting thermal mass cooling - through the creation of a 'natural stack effect' that will draw in cool air from the surrounding environment and exhaust warm air
    3. Encouraging natural ventilation by designing with sensitivity to wind paths and installing operable roofs that will exploit such cool airflow
    4. Promoting evaporative and earth cooling through radiant and evaporative cooling on the ground level
    5. Minimize solar gain through the use of high-performance glass and the installation of natural and man-made shading devices

    Renewable Energy Project

    In reducing our dependency towards non-renewable energy, we have taken the initiative to install solar roof panels at our Tropicana Golf & Country Resort, Petaling Jaya in 2021. Installation of the 2,214 solar photovoltaic panels commenced in March 2021. The panels spread across 53,204 sq. ft. of rooftop space at TGCR’s clubhouse, were fully operational by September 2021. The installation has managed to generate savings in our energy bills year on year. In FY2023, the solar panels generated an average of 107,831 kWh of electricity a month, with a total savings of RM427,347 in energy bills a year.

    At Tropicana Metropark in Subang Jaya, we installed windmills that power water turbines in an innovative bio-filtration system to maintain the water quality in the development’s 4.41-acre lake, which has been up and running since 2021 until now.

    Water Management

    As a property developer, we are aware of the impacts of our operations on water resources, both for our consumption and community usage. Hence, we strive to improve resource consumption efficiency and minimise waste generation in all activities throughout our operational area. We incorporate environmentally friendly designs into all our products to minimise the impact on the environment, such as the installation of rainwater harvesting systems and water-efficient sanitary fittings covered under the Water Efficient Product Labelling Scheme (“WELPS”) or Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (“WELS”).

    - Tropicana Aman
    - Tropicana Gardens
    - Tropicana Golf & Country Resort
    - Tropicana Heights
    - Tropicana Indah Resort Homes
    - Tropicana Metropark
    - Tropicana Miyu

    To control the adverse impact of our operations, especially on construction sites, we strictly adhere to local authority guidelines to monitor air, noise, water & wastewater, and waste, including hazardous waste. We comply with the latest Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) Approval Conditions for all water and effluent discharged from our sites, where required. Our contractors follow set guidelines to meet environmental standards in all our developments, including:

  • Environmental Management Plan (“EMP”)
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (“ESCP”)
  • Water and effluent discharge limitation according to the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”)

    Our main source of water usage for our operations comes from municipal water and, to a lesser extent, from groundwater sourced using tube wells and surface water. As most of our operations depend on municipal water sources, the usage of the tube well, which was installed in 2019 and upgraded in 2020, is primarily for Tropicana Golf & Country Resort, where treated underground water is used in our swimming pool and toilets. We also use surface water from a natural pond for daily watering of the golf course, although we do not track its usage.

    Rainwater harvesting tanks are installed for landscape irrigation in most of our developments. At Tropicana Gardens, extensive landscaping is primarily irrigated using collected rainwater, reducing potable water consumption in common areas by at least 50%. This also helps to reduce stormwater runoffs, preventing the existing drainage system from being overwhelmed during heavy rain. Additionally, we recycle fire system test water for the sprinkler and wet riser systems.

  • Stormwater Management

    Stormwater management is integrated into all of Tropicana’s developments, such as Tropicana Miyu, Tropicana Aman, and Tropicana Gardens. We rely on the Department of Irrigation and Drainage’s Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia to manage flood risks across all our projects.

    Many of our developments feature extensive water bodies for aesthetic and practical purposes. For example, the central lake in Tropicana Metropark in Subang Jaya serves as a flood detention pond and was completed in FY2021. We employ gross pollutant traps to catch litter and silt, controlling stormwater pollution, as seen at Tropicana Heights in Kajang in FY2017. Wetland plants are also used to improve water quality in water bodies. In Genting Highlands, where construction for Tropicana WindCity is ongoing, surface water runoff is channelled into a centralised silt trap before being discharged into external drains and natural waterways. Onsite detention tanks are used to contain surface water runoff as a flood control method. Berm drains and turf are utilised to reduce soil erosion and protect slopes. Additionally, Tropicana has completed a flood mitigation system to alleviate upstream flooding at Sungai Chat and Sungai Abdul Samad, handed over to the local authority in 2021. Situated at Lido Waterfront Boulevard, the system is equipped to trap garbage, preventing trash from flowing into the sea, thus improving water quality and protecting marine life. At Tropicana Golf & Country Resort, 18 retention ponds across Tropicana’s 27-hole golf course were upgraded in FY2022 for better irrigation and filtration. These upgrades also support rainwater harvesting for watering plants, grass, and fruit trees.

    Effluent & Pollution Management

    Construction waste is a significant component of the total solid waste produced by developers. At Tropicana, we monitor the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste across our business operations, which includes construction waste, domestic waste, food waste, scheduled waste, and others. Our contractors are required to employ sound waste disposal methods in compliance with national and local environmental regulations as well as the requirements outlined in the Environmental Management Plan (“EMP”). Scheduled waste produced at our sites is collected, stored, and disposed of by operators licensed by the Department of Environment (“DOE”).

    To reduce our environmental impact, we utilise eco-friendly and green label products such as waterproofing, sealants, ceiling boards, skim coats, tile adhesives, and low volatile organic compound (“VOC”) paints. We also incorporate construction materials with recycled content, particularly aluminium, steel bars, and reinforcing fabric of steel BRC. For controlling our water discharge quality, we use non-chemical water treatment for our swimming pools

    At Tropicana Gardens, we employ aluminium system formwork to reduce on-site wastage. This formwork system can be reused more than 300 times without loss of quality or dimensional integrity and can be recycled through normal industrial processes. The system also allows for a high tolerance of finish, eliminating the need for wooden props, bracing, or panels, and the need for plastering as required by traditional scaffolding methods, thus reducing construction waste.

    Biodiversity Management

    We are aware that land use change through our development and construction activities has impacted existing habitats and ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss. Hence, we endeavour to protect biodiversity by incorporating conservation measures and responsible project development planning. This is reflected in our efforts to create a sustainable landscape within our developments. Although we have yet to assess our existing operations for biodiversity risks and the size and location of all protected or restored habitat areas, we aim to carry out a biodiversity risk assessment in our future reporting cycle.

    Currently, most of our developments are built on brownfield land or secondary forest, which had mostly been cleared of their original vegetation beforehand. Additionally, no rare, threatened, or endangered species of vegetation were found or removed from most development sites. Among our efforts to enrich biodiversity in our developments are the transplantation of mature trees, woodland planting, and the introduction of dragonflies as a natural pest control method.

    Enriching Forest Ecosystem

    The Group planted 4,000 saplings in the central park of Tropicana Aman to create a diversified woodland that will eventually form overlapping, continuous, and interlinked tree canopies. Woodland was introduced to enhance greenery and enrich the ecosystem, providing biodiversity. Structure of Woodland:

  • Overlapped, continuous and interlinked tree canopies
  • Nice green backdrops define the park boundary with softer treatment
  • The more different kinds of plants there are, the greater the animal diversity

  • Enriching Forest Ecosystem

    To create a lush green oasis, more than 22,300 various plant species, consisting of shrubs, turf, and trees, are planted at Tropicana Golf & Country Resort. These attract many species of birds and colourful insects. The resort management team has taken over 20 years to create this beautiful flora and fauna canvas around the development. Staying true to the concept of sustainable green living, Tropicana’ s total landscaped area, including public areas, the golf course, and the clubhouse, spans 300 acres, equating to 50% of the entire site area of 625 acres.

    Our Green Lungs

    Within the Tropicana Aman Central Park lies a 7km-long trail designed specifically for walking, jogging, and biking. It is part of the landscape feature that promotes the “Walking and Biking Community” concept of Tropicana Aman, featuring its iconic yellow bike. The bike-friendly trail within the park is well connected with the walkway along the streetscape that is connected to each residential parcel.

    Neighbourhood areas are connected by the Green Ribbon network and recreation gardens. Parks are designed for activities for various ages and abilities, increasing street permeability and inviting the community into and through the site.

  • Friendly and direct access
  • Gazebos and seating areas are provided at certain spots within the Central Parks

  • Tropicana Aman Central Park which spans 80-acre features two main parks being the East Lake Park and the West Lake Park

    Our Green Features

  • Selection of leafy plants to create lush greenery
  • At least 10% of green spaces are crafted in the development
  • To fulfil the growing demands of green lungs within the developments
  • A wide variety of greenery is used in the landscaping of Central Parks to create lifescapes that grow with the residents
  • Approximately 2,400 numbers of trees and palms have been planted in the Tropicana Aman Central Park creating an environment that is warm and inviting
  • Estimated 1,500 numbers of trees and palms were planted in Tropicana Heights along the streetscape and Central Park
  • Vertical green for high-rise developments such as façade treatment for car park floors such as Tropicana Grande and Tropicana Metropark Pandora Residences offers benefits such as purifying the air, decreasing and regulating temperatures, softening the building façade with vertical green while promoting biodiversity.

  • Integrated Pest Management – Dragonfly Pond Project

    Tropicana pioneers the use of dragonflies as a biocontrol mechanism. As one of the country’s leading developers, Tropicana is the first to deploy dragonflies to control pests naturally in Tropicana Golf & Country Resort. The pilot project to release 88 larvae of Red Glider Dragonfly (Tramae transmarina) into a new man-made pond in TGCR on 24 September 2021 is a collaboration with well-known dragonfly expert Dr Choong Chee Yen from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (“UKM”).

    Our Dragonfly Pond is a flagship project to breed and sustain a healthy dragonfly population at our golf course as a means to apply biological control to mosquitoes in the surrounding area, which is still thriving to this date. Dragonflies are known natural predators of mosquitoes and other insects, thus a commonly used integrated pest management (“IPM”) measure has proven to be effective in the long term. Currently, there are a total of 14 species of flying adults of dragonflies and damselflies throughout the day. These dragonflies feed on mosquitoes and other pests, serving as a natural control mechanism with a hunting efficiency rate of up to 95%. Natural controls such as dragonflies, birds, bats and minnows enhance the biodiversity in a given site, in line with ESG principles. They also avoid the introduction of chemical or bacterial agents into the site’s existing ecosystem, seen in conventional controls such as pest fogging and mosquito dunks utilising targeted bacteria such as Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis to control larvae populations.

    Dragonflies & Damselflies Species at Tropicana Golf & Country Resort
    1. Saddlebag Glider (Tramea transmarina)
    2. Blue Dashers (Brachydiplax chalybea)
    3. Common Flangetails (Ictinogomphus decorates)
    4. Crimson Dropwings (Trithemis aurora)
    5. Variegated Green Skimmer (Orthetrum sabina)
    6. White-barred Duskhawks (Tholymis tillarga)
    7. Sultan (Camacinia gigantea)
    8. Yellow-barred Flutterers (Rhyothemis Phyllis)
    9. Scarlet Skimmers (Crocothemis servilia)
    10. Blue Adjutants (Aethriamanta Aethra)
    11. Chinese Greenwings (Neurobasis chinensis)
    12. Common Bluetails (Ishnura senegalensis)
    13. Blue Sprites (Pseudagrion microcephalum)
    14. Variable Wisps (Agriocnemis femina)